martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020




 Sara , alumna de 1º BTO y Celia, de 4º ESO, ambas de la materia Biología y Geología, han salido a colocar el geocaché en una fuente singular situada en su localidad, Castilblanco. Su deseo es mostrar lugares singulares y caracteríticos al senderista, ciclista, turista, curioso, etc., y dar a conocer su entorno.

Sara, student of 1st BTO and Celia of 4th ESO, both of the subject of Biology and Geology, have gone out to put the geocache in a singular fountain located in their village, Castilblanco. They want to show some characteristic and singular places to hikers, cyclists, tourists, onlookers, etc, and make its environment known


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